Events and News News Expressway to become cycleway to celebrate 50th anniversary The Clydeside Expressway turns 50 this month and to celebrate this landmark 50% of the Expressway will be converted into a cycleway, active travel corridor and urban linear park. The southern side of the Expressway will see segregated cycle lanes installed along the full length of one lane and an urban linear park along the other lane, which will help to improve connections with the River Clyde The northern side of the Expressway will remain open for traffic but reduced to one lane in both directions. Innovative zip barrier technology, commonly seen in the US, will be used to allow the traffic to become one way only at busy times The Expressway was first proposed in 1965 with construction starting in 1971 and was officially opened 50 years ago on 27 April 1973 by Lady Provost Mary Gray. The original design included a roundabout at Ferry Road which was then replaced as part of the Glasgow Harbour and Riverside Museum developments in 2008 to make the Expressway a continuous 'grade separated' road. The Expressway forms part of the A814 which starts at Glasgow Green in the city centre and runs all the way along the north bank of the River Clyde and then up to Arrochar at the head of Loch Long. At the western end the Expressway connects with the Clyde Tunnel, which will also celebrate a milestone this year with its 60th anniversary later this year. Avril Poisson, the lead engineer from award winning consultants Ho Ax Designs who have come up with the concept said, "The idea first came about when the Expressway was closed to traffic during the recent COP26 talks which were held in Glasgow in November 2021. With no traffic and no noise you could really see the opportunity to re-imagine how prime space in the city close to the river could be better utilised." Local resident Doug Walker thought the idea was fantastic adding, "I think it's important that the citizens of Glasgow pause to reflect on 50 years of the Clydeside Expressway." Carrie Driver, fellow local resident, was less enthusiastic saying, "I'm tyre-d of seeing foolish plans like this just driven through. I'll be looking for a refund on my road tax!" And a European tourist, Si Klist, who we spoke to at the Riverside Museum thought it was "wheely great to hear to about these plans to mark the 50th anniversary of the Expressway." We will keep you posted when we hear more! Manage Cookie Preferences