Glasgow City Council has published a Consultative Draft Open Space Strategy (OSS) for Glasgow. The Draft OSS sets out the ways in which the people, flora and fauna of Glasgow are likely to make use of open space, now and in the future, and sets out how these different demands on open space should be considered and met. 

The Draft OSS sets out the strategic direction that will guide the Council’s work, policy-making and investment decisions in managing the City’s open spaces to allow Glasgow to flourish in future. 

The Draft OSS provides a long-term vision for Glasgow’s open spaces to ensure they meet the City’s needs in the years to come.  It does not deal with the day-to-day management and maintenance of the parks and open spaces in the Council’s ownership, which is addressed in the Council’s Parks & Greenspace Vision.

Do you want to help shape Glasgow's OpenSpaceStrategy? This will look at how best to use such locations - from parks & gardens to rivers & water courses and public squares & spaces.

The strategy can be viewed online via the Council's consultation hub or during normal business hours, at the Mitchell Library, all local libraries and at the Council’s offices at 45 John Street, Glasgow. 

The consultation is open until Monday 10 December 2018.